To reach the office during normal business hours, please call 617-916-0895. During evenings and weekends, call the office number and the answering service will page Dr. August immediately. If Dr. August is out of town, the answering service will page the covering physician. While patients can have Dr. August's cell phone, we ask that you not use it on a routine basis including texting. It is easy to miss cell calls and texts and can be difficult when Dr. August is with another patient. Paging is much more reliable and secure. Pages will be answered promptly. Sending an email about a serious health care concern is also not advised, please call the answering service. Dr. August covers his own practice the majority of time. During vacation, coverage is provided by Dr. Diane London and Dr. Steve Van Dam.
Staff names and emails can be found here.
Please complete the following form if you need a referral for a specialist or another health care service. We try to process all referrals within one business day. If you have any questions or it is easier to call, please contact the office at 617-916-0895
All prescription refills are coordinated by the practice nurses. Please call or email the office staff at least 24 hours before the refill is due.
David August MD, LLC uses an outside billing company. You will get statements directly from them. If you have a question, please feel free to call the office at 617-916-0895. We understand that health care bills are at times really confusing, please do not hesitate to call with a question.
Medicare has a chronic care management program which often shows up on bills: more information about the program is here.
A list of insurance plans accepted by the practice can be found here. Before switching plans, please make sure Dr. August is a provider in your plan and keep us updated of any changes.
If you need the practice to send your medical records to another provider or to an insurance company, please send us this release form. We cannot accept phone requests.
Labs drawn in the office are sent to Quest. A lab affiliated with BIDMC is at 25 Boylston Street, Suite 204, Quest Diagnostics is utilized as well depending on the test.. Radiology and Urgent Care services are available nearby: BIDMC, Chestnut Hill Square at 200 Boylston Street, near Wegmans
When picking a Medicare Plan, there are many personal considerations around deductibles, transportability, prescription drug services, etc. Medicare has a good tool to assist with the choice.
Phone: 617-916-0895. Fax: 617-916-0937